Sunday, August 14, 2011

Crossing Arabia and dessert of Sahara
One could see at a glance the pomp and circumstance.
A queen with keen eye and great caravan
Spreads spice to the wind - precious stones to the sand.

Craving an audience with renowned Solomon,
She presses him hard - his intellect to win.
While wisdom she saw, and palace's splendor,
Officials, offerings, servants, cup bearer.

This golden queen from far away realm
By the grandeur of Solomon was quite overwhelmed.
"Report I heard of your wisdom is true."
She said to the king as her respect grew

Indeed, not the half was e'en told unto me.
How happy your servants and officials must be!
Praise be to the Lord your God who has stood
To guard you and guide you."  Then she brought almugwood

And spices defying arithmetic mean;
Such quantities since have never been seen -
Great cargos of gold from Hiram's trade ships
And what temple instruments! - enough to equip

King Solomon too, gave from royal bounty
Sheba's queen then returned to her own country;
The retinue was great, and her heart at peace too.
Though fantastical her story, it's really quite true!

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